Covid 19 Prevention

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction


The sacroiliac joint may be the issue in up to 25 percent of all lower back pain cases. Many times S.I. joint pain can be overlooked since the pain may be attributed to disc degeneration, arthritis or pain from the spinal nerves. Traditional X-rays and imaging may not always show changes in the joint. Sacroiliac joint pain can contribute to significant pain and limitation of daily activities and functions.


Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be due to degenerative changes in the joint over time. The joint can go through changes that affect its mechanics or the way that it moves. Females tend to have a higher prevalence of S.I. joint dysfunction due to physiological changes resulting from pregnancy or movement of the pelvic bones. The S.I. joint can be one of the most common sites of pain after a lumbar spinal fusion.


Pain in this joint is typically exacerbated by standing, weight bearing and climbing stairs. A physical exam and imaging should be performed to rule out other causes of lower back pain.